
Showing posts from May, 2017

The Stages of Evolution 💥💦💧💢💢💥

As mentioned in the previous post, we have four stages of evolution. The first stage was Hadean; this was a period where nebular hypothesis has happened. The earth was formed by the debris; (the debris was part of a solar system). This is called as the nebular hypothesis. Hadean was a stage where there was no life. The formation of the moon has happened at this stage. The moon was formed 3000 billion years ago. The earth is divided into three layers: crust, mantle, and core. The crust and core components are formed in the Hadean stage. The second stage was Archean, this stage is divided into four stages, a.Eoarchean b.Paleoarchean c. Mesoarchean d.Neoarchean The volcano's which were cooled down turned into the ocean and there was no oxygen in the atmosphere. The process of inhaling the oxygen was almost impossible until there were prokaryotes in the atmosphere which are unicellular organisms. The process of photosynthesis was started in Archean stage by Archean cyanobact

THE EARTH: The Great Evolution 🌍🌍🌎🌏🌑🌐🌅

Did you ever have a thought about our existence today? When was the beginning? When did all start? are the questions which always comes to my mind. The inception of the earth was begun 4.54 billion years ago. The formation has happened after the nebular hypothesis1. The earth initially was a ball of fire which had only volcanic outgassing later that outgassing's have turned into oceans. The earth was called as theia when it was in early stage of its formation. It is also known as early earth. There was no oxygen in the atmosphere for about 3-4 billion years after the formation of the earth. Before 540 billion years ago there was photosynthesis which led to bringing the oxygen into the atmosphere. The evolution of earth has happened in various stages: 1.HAIDEN 2.ARCHEAN 3.PROTEROZOIC 4.PHANEROZOIC The brief about the various stages will be explained in the next article. 😇😊